Nail polish improves your hands look and make impressive. Prolonged use of dark nail polish colors can cause nails to turn yellow. Every girl wants to look more beautiful than other. Select nail polish color according to your skin complexion. If you’re not sure about how a nail color will look on you, the best way to decide whether you like it is to test it out on a fingernail. You can’t judge from the color in a bottle because achieving the color can be based on how many coats of the lacquer are applied. You could also love a color on your toenails, but be totally unimpressed when it’s applied to your fingernails.
Pale Complexions:
Choose pinks or reds color to brighten the complexion. If you’re very light, you want to avoid extremely dark or overpowering shades because these will make you look too pale. If you have wore a dark color then use nail color which does not affect your dark complexion. Choose a polish with a blue base. Avoid dark polishes like dark blue or black, yellow, green, gold and orange.
Fair Complexions:
If you have fair complexion you have more of a variety of shades to choose nail colors. Choose a polish with a blue base or yellow base and white and silver polish color. Shades light and medium toned purples, soft oranges, darker pinks, reds and berry shades. Avoid very dark blue, black, green, dark orange, gold.
Medium/Olive Complexions:
With medium skin tones you can enjoy a wide range of colors. You look good in vibrant colors like pink, blue, yellow and orange, silver and metallic. With medium-dark complexion you can wear black color or any other dark color like navy blue, dark pinks, burgundy. Olive complexion looks slightly beige with yellow undertones. Peach or gold colors enhance olive complexions. Blue-based reds and orange-reds should be avoided. You can use shades of vibrant orange, pink and blue, light blue, lilac, silver, metallic and glittery colors. Avoid dark purple, red or navy blue.
Dark complexion:
With dark complexions you should be careful while choosing nail color, use light colors and avoid dark shades. What looks great are burgundy, vibrant purples, plums, Bright orange and pinks color. Yellow, orange and green can be shocking—in a negative sense. Avoid Orange, yellow, neon colors, pastels, white and silver. :نیل پالش کا استعمال
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